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Remote Learning Educator Tools: Home


The Four Principles of Remote Learning Best Practices

Designing for Elementary Remote Learning Course (updated for 2022) 

This site spells out the big ideas and best practices for designing remote learning for elementary students. 

Preparing Students

Students should practice and know how to do the following
  • Logging in to a Google Meet
  • Completing an assignment in Seesaw (or Google Classroom if applicable)
Teachers should review the following to ensure student privacy
  • How to turn off students being able to see each other's work in Seesaw (See Seesaw Resources box at right.)
  • 2022 updates on how to keep student Google Meets secure (See Google Meet Resources box at right.)

Sending Technology Home with Students

1. Remove chargers from classroom charging cases.
2. Technology packing list for each student
  • Device (Cases may not be available, depending on school. Use backpacks if not.)
  • Charger
  • ClassLink QR code
  • Google username and password
  • Username and passwords not in ClassLink that you will want students to access (e.g. Epic, Scratch)
  • Documents: How to sign in to ClassLink On iPads or On Chromebooks.    How to join a Google Meet 
  • Technical support phone number
3. Consider a message to all families sent through Reach My Teach with a message similar to the following.

Please check your child's backpack for the following.

Contact your child's teacher using Reach My Teach.

eBooks and Read Alouds

Seesaw Resources

Seesaw logo and link

Seesaw Basics

Be sure your Class settings do not allow students to see each other's work. To check, go to the wrench and scroll down to "Students can see each other's work" and verfiy that the toggle is set to the left.


Important note: Changing this setting will log your students out and they will need to log back in.

Other Helpful Tools

Vocaroo allows teachers to quickly record voice messages for students, and is especially helpful for classrooms not using Seesaw.
Loom allows teachers to easily create short instructional videos. Learn more about Loom. Learn more about how to make videos in Loom.
Wakelet logo and link
Wakelet allows you to easily curate links and post them anywhere. This is helpful if you want to post a unit guide on your webpage, post multiple links for a SeeSaw assignment, or just send someone a few resources. Learn more about Wakelet.

Google Jamboard can be used with students for real-time formative assessments.

Pear Deck logo and link

The Pear Deck add-on to Google Slides allows you to make any slide interactive. Learn about Pear Deck student paced lessons

Flipgrid allows students to provide quick video check-ins directed by the teacher. Learn about Flipgrid for formative assessment (9:45 minute video).