Step 1: Request Books
Go to the Library Catalog and sign in with Google. Select your book and put it on HOLD. You may put up to 5 books on hold. Directions here.
Search for Library Books, Overdrive eBooks, and the PebbleGo/Next databases all in one location! Curate your own Collections of information on any topic!
Step 2: Check Email
Ms Stanbro will send an email when your books are ready for pickup. We are trying to fill orders by the next day. The email will go to the student's email account.
Sometimes books are checked and you wll have to wait for them to come back. Also, sometimes we can't find a book you are looing for, so we may suggest another. Please check your email.
Step 3: Pick Up
Come to Skillin anytime between 9:30am-2:30pm Monday through Friday to pick up your books and make returns. If you don't see a cart outside, just ring the bell and someone will bring the books to you.