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Videos, Articles, and Other Resources

Video: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt

Follow the creation of a t-shirt around the world to see how your clothes get to you. 

UN Security Council condemns 'heinous abuses' of Libyan slave trade

A CNN article about the reports of human slave trade in Libya. 

The World; What it Takes to Stop Slavery

This map shows where the world’s 30 million slaves live. There are 60,000 in the U.S.

Washington Post article detailing where slavery happens - including in the U.S. 

Bangladesh women find liberty in hard labor

From NewsELA, the story of women working in a clothing factory in Bangladesh

Deadly garment factory collapse puts spotlight on cheap clothes

From NewsELA, an article on the cost of cheap labor in Bangladesh

Where Sweatshops are a Dream

New York Times opinion-based article on exploring sweatshops as an effect of poverty.

Other Resources

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