Taken from the text: Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Appendix A: Catholic Terms
Appendix B: Pidgin English
Compiled & Translated for the NW School by: Eze Anamelechi March 2009
Abuja: Capital of Nigeria—Federal capital territory modeled after Washington, D.C. (p. 132)
“Abumonye n'uwa, onyekambu n'uwa”: “Am I who in the world, who am I in this life?” (p. 276)
Adamu: Arabic/Islamic name for Adam, and thus very popular among Muslim Hausas of northern Nigeria. (p. 103)
Ade Coker: Ade (ah-DEH) Yoruba male name meaning "crown" or "royal one." Lagosians are known to adopt foreign names (i.e. Coker)
Agbogho: short for Agboghobia meaning young lady, maiden (p. 64)
Agwonatumbe: "The snake that strikes the tortoise" (i.e. despite the shell/shield)—the name of a masquerade at Aro festival (p. 86)
Aja: "sand" or the ritual of "appeasing an oracle" (p. 143)
Akamu: Pap made from corn; like English custard made from corn starch; a common and standard accompaniment to Nigerian breakfasts (p. 41)
Akara: Bean cake/Pea fritters made from fried ground black-eyed pea paste. A staple Nigerian veggie burger (p. 148)
Aku na efe: Aku is flying (p. 218)
Aku: Aku are winged termites most common during the rainy season when they swarm; also means "wealth."
Akwam ozu: Funeral/grief ritual or send-off ceremonies for the dead. (p. 203)
Amaka (f): Short form of female name Chiamaka meaning "God is beautiful" (p. 78)
Amaka ka?: "Amaka say?" or guess? (p. 171)
Amam: "I know" (p. 219)
Amarom: "I don't know" (p. 132)
Anam asi: "Am saying" Anara: Garden egg (p. 21)
Anara leaf: Garden egg leaf—a slightly bitter green leafy vegetable. (p. 221)
Anikwenwa (m/f): "Earth permit child"; "Earth please allow child" (p. 69-70)
Aro: "Spear" referring to Aro-Igbo people (Arochukwu: "the Spear of God" or God's spear, and Arondizuogu)
Aro festival: The main cultural festival of Aro people known for its fierce masquerades
Asusu anya: Eye language (p. 305)
Atilogu: A form of Igbo acrobatic dance performance (p. 9)
Atulu: Sheep/lamb—insinuating stupidity, dumb, a fool (p. 142)
Aunty Chiaku (f): "God of wealth" (p. 243)
Awka Town: Ancient Igbo town known for its contribution to pan Igbo civilization via Awka traveling blacksmiths
Azu: Fish (p. 32)
Big Man: Wealthy, rich, powerful, influential and "large" person
Big man, Big Oga or Big people: Powerful, wealthy, influential, high status in the community, large (ex. Head of state)
Biko: "Please" (p. 8, 29, 211)
Bournvita: A popular chocolate beverage food-drink manufactured by Cadbury that became the breakfast symbol of the affluent in Nigeria (p. 162)
"Bunie ya enu…": "Lift him/her high up" —referring to Jesus Christ (p. 28)
Chelu nu: ―Just wait ―Wait a minute (i.e. hold your horses) (p. 242)
Chelukwa!: Hold on a moment
Chi: God or Personal God responsible for destiny "uwa"
Chiamaka (f): "God is so beautiful"
Chidifu (m/f): "There is God" or "God is"; ―There‘s certainly God
Chiebuka: "God is very great/grand" or big
Chief Umeadi: "There is energy, courage, strength or guts." As in power reservoir
Chim: "My God"
Chima (m): God knows, only God knows best
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (this author's name): Chimamanda = God knows Amanda; Ngozi = Blessing; Adichie = the Ancient one
Chimsimdi (m/f): "My God said I should be" (p. 285)
Chinedu (m): Short for Chinedum/Chinedum nuwa; "God guides" "God guides me in this life" (p. 236)
Chineke: God the creator; literally: "God and Creation" or "Essence and Creation" Chi na Eke (god/essence and creation) (p. 167-168)
Chinwe (f): Chinwe = "God's own/God owns" Jideze = "hold onto Kingship or Royalty" (p. 46)
Chinyelu (f): "God gave" (p. 152)
Chukwu: The High God/Supreme God [Chi(god)+Ukwu (big)] Chukwu is known as Chineke (p. 83)
Chukwu aluka: "God has worked wonders" (p. 163)
Chukwuka: "God is the greatest" or "God is paramount" (p. 143-144)
"Cramps abia": Muscle "cramps have come" or arrived (p. 100)
Dibia: Sharman/medicine man/Native doctor/herbalist/healer. Sometimes mislabeled as witch doctors (p. 296)
Dim: "my husband" (p. 234)
Dogonyaro: Nigerian name for Neem tree first brought into Africa from India by the British. Well-known for its anti-malaria applications (p. 130)
Dr. Nduoma: "Good/beautiful life" Also connotes good health (p. 152)
Ebekwanu: "Where at?" or ―At where!?
Ebezi na: "Cry no more" or "no more crying" (p. 187)
Egusi Soup: Ground melon seed is used as thickener for this popular Nigerian soup
Ehye: "Yea! Yes"
Eju: Snail, escargot (p. 239)
Ekene nke udo - ezibgo nwanne n nye m aka gi: "The greeting of peace—my good/real sibling give me your hand" (p. 241)
Ekwerom: "I don't agree or accept" (p. 272)
Ekwueme (m): "As he/she says, he/she does." One whose word is their bond (A 'talk-and-do‘ person) (p. 179)
Ekwuzina: "Stop saying that!" "No more talking" or "Talk no more" (p. 149, 243)
Emeka: short for Chukwuemeka meaning "God's grace" or more literally that "God has done a wonderful or marvelous work or deed."
Enugu Town: "Hilltop Town" An Igbo cosmopolitan city; Former capitol of the Eastern Region. (p. 4)
“Equiano's Travel or the life of Gustavus Vassa the African”: An Author biography by one of Slavery‘s prolific writer. Equiano was an Igbo sold into slavery that later saved enough to buy back his freedom to become an author. (p. 142)
Ewo: Auditory exclamation expressing sympathy (p. 180)
Ewuu: Same as Ewo, except with more empathy and compassion (p. 182)
Ezi okwu: "Is that true?" or "Honestly?" or "It's true!" (p. 66, 131, 136, 148)
Ezinne: "Good/righteous mother" (p. 49)
Fada: Pidgin English for "father" (p. 237)
Father Amadi: "Let the square/center/clearing be" a name given to 1st sons; mythically "keeper of the Earth" or the Igbo Adam
Fela: Fela Anikolakpo Ransome Kuti, a prolific musician activist and inventor of Afro beat (1938 - 1997). Popularly known as the African president who erected Calcutta Republic in the city of Lagos. (p. 118)
Fiam!: At lightning speed. In a flash! (p. 224)
Fufu: Dough like meal made from hot water and either cassava or plantain flour, usually served with soup. Fufu is a staple food of West and Central Africa. It is a thick paste or porridge usually made by boiling starchy root vegetables in water and pounding with a large stick and bowl until the desired consistency is reached. Fufu is usually made from cassava, yam, and sometimes combined with cocoyam, plantains, or maize. (p. 11- 13)
Garri: Dried cassava flour, Garri (also known as "garry", "tapioca") is a popular West African food made from cassava tubers. The spelling 'gari' is mainly used in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana.
Gi: "you" (singular)
Gini: "What?" (p. 151)
Gini mezia: "What happened then or next?" [With impatience] (p. 242)
Gininndi: "What is?" (p. 250)
Gwakenem: "just tell me" (p. 223)
H.R.H. the Igwe: His Royal Highness the Igwe which means "sky" also referring to the sky god Igwe
Harmattan: The harmattan is a dry and dusty West African trade wind. It blows south from Sahara into the Gulf of Guinea between the end of November and the middle of March (winter). (p. 4, 30, 41, 53, 66, 129, 206)
Hei, Chimo! Nwunyem! Hei!: Hey, my God! My wife! Hey! (p. 286)
I na anu: "Do you hear?" "Do you understand?" (p. 245)
I na asim esona ya!: "Are you saying I should not follow him/her?" (Referring to Christ) (p. 179)
Icheku Tree: Common name for Icheku fruit is Black velvet tamarind. The pulp is red, with a sweet-sour, astringent flavor. It is peeled and eaten raw; it can be a little constipating. The thirst-quenching, refreshing fruit pulp can also be soaked in water and drunk as a beverage. Leaves are bitter. (p. 84, 152)
Ichie: Respected, titled elder, a living saint, immortal person; a revered title for elderly men in the community
Ifediora (m): short for Ifedioramma: "That which is good for the community/people"; that which pleases the people (p. 95, 250)
Ifeoma (f): "Good thing" or "That which is good and beautiful"
Ifukwa: "you see!" "Do you see?" (p. 70, 76)
Ifukwa gi!: "Look at you" "have you seen you!", "see you!" (p. 70, 76)
Igasikwa: "yea right!" or "you would say" (p. 137, 163)
Igbo: the name of the people, culture and language. Igbo signifies union, bundle, synergy, bind, love
Ikejiani Avenue: "The strength that holds the Earth A main artery in Enugu City
Ikwu nne: Maternal kin, Mother's maiden home/village (p. 67)
Ima mmuo: "Do you know spirit?" or "Do you know the masked spirit?" or "Are you initiated?"
Imakwa: "Do you know?" (p. 77)
Imana: "Do you know that …." (p. 150)
Imarozi: "Don't you know anymore?" (p. 152)
In ugo?: "You hear?" or "Do you hear?" (p. 219)
Isi owu: A traditional Igbo hair style plaited with cotton wool attachment
Itu nzu: "throwing of the chalk" i.e. nzu (kaolin) markings on ground as a declaration of innocence. (p. 166- 168)
Jaja: Derived from the historical defiant King Jaja of Opobo people. Jaja's real Igbo name is Chukwuka (p. 144- 145)
Jellof Rice: Paella-like dish of rice made with tomatoes, peppers and spices and meats; a Nigerian party dish; also called 'Benachin' meaning one pot in the Wolof language is a popular dish all over West Africa."
“Ka m bunie afa gi enu": "Let me raise [up hold] your name up high"-- a song in reference to Jesus (p. 125)
Kambili Achike: Kambili = "Let me live" Achike = "rule not by force"
Kaodi: "let it be" or "so long" (p. 306)
Ke kwanu?: "How are you?" or "What's up?" (p. 11, 22, 202, 304)
Kedu: "How are you?" (Singular)
Kedu nu: "How are you?" (plural) i.e." how are you all?" "How are you doing?" "How do you do?" (p. 55)
Koboko: Raw hide twined whip (p. 299)
Kpa: “Like this?" (p. 15)
Kunie: "stand up", "rise up", "get up" (p. 182, 100)
Kwa?: ―For sure?
Kwusia: "stop that" or "stop doing that" (p. 144)
Maggi cubes: Maggie brand bouillon cubes--preferably made in Switzerland
Maka nnidi: "Because of what?" (p. 102)
Makana: "Because" (p. 191)
Mana: "However" or "But" (p. 243)
Marguerite Cartwright Avenue: An avenue on the campus of University of Nigeria– Nusukka named after one of the founding board members. Cartwright was an American actress, teacher and correspondent in the UN Press Corps. (p. 111-112, 131)
Mary Slessor Hall: A Hall [building] at the University of Nigeria– Nsukka, named in recognition of the contributions Slessor made to Africa as an Irish missionary in Nigeria (1848-1915) (p. 130)
Mba: "No" (p. 13, 222)
Mbgalu: Literally means "dash and reach" to quickly reach out to commiserate, sympathize particularly in the cases of death and grieves. (p. 288)
Mechie onu: "Close mouth!" "Shut up!" "Shut up mouth" (p. 224)
Mmuo: Spirit Moi-moi: A Nigerian steamed bean pudding made from a mixture of washed and peeled black-eyed beans, onions and fresh black pepper. It is a protein-rich food that is a staple in Nigeria. (p. 21)
Ndo: "Sorry" (p. 185)
Nee anya: ―Watch out or "observe with your eye" (p. 153)
Neke! Neke! Neke!: "Look at! Look at! Look at!" (p. 64)
Nekenem: "Look at me"
Nekwa: "See oh!" "See well," "Pay attention" (p. 263)
Nekwanu anya: "Look with eye" or "look at what am seeing" (plural) (p. 124)
NEPA: Nigerian Electric Power Authority (p. 157)
New Yam Festival: The New Yam festival of the Igbo (Iwa ji) is an annual festival by the Igbo people of West Africa in honor of a good Yam harvest.
Ngwa: "Come on" / "start" / "begin" or "here, take this" (p. 8, 272)
Ngwanu: "OK, come on"/ “let's get started" or "move on" (p. 97, 204)
Ngwo-ngwo: Soup made from goat head, intestines, heart, liver, vegetables, onions and pepper. (p. 32)
Niara & Kobo: Nigerian currency Naira = Dollar; Kobo = Cents; Kobo: Nigerian coin. 100 kobo = 1 Naira
Nna anyi: "Our father" (p. 82, 156)
Nna (m): "My father" (p. 155, 183, 234)
Nna Ochie: Literally means: "Old father" referring to maternal Grandpa Nnamo!: "Oh! My father" (p. 183)
Nne: "Mother" used in this context mainly as a term of endearment toward Kambili
Nnenna (f): Her father's mother (p. 285)
Nno: "Welcome" (singular) (p. 35)
Nno nu!: "Welcome." (Plural) "You are all welcome."
Nodi ani: "Stay on land/ground" or simply "sit down" (p. 231)
Nsukka Town: An influential Igbo town, location of the preeminent University of Nigeria
Nsukka Nwa (m): "My child"
Nwamgba (f): "The wrestler" or it could be short for Nwamgbala meaning; kitchen child, cook/chef (p. 149)
Nwankiti Ogechi (m/f): Nwankiti = Child of Silence Ogechi/Ogechikama = God's time is best. (p. 199-201)
Nwanyi: Woman Nwanyi oma: Good woman / Beautiful woman (p. 239)
Nwoke: Man (p. 184)
Nwunyem: "My wife" (p. 72)
O di egwu: Yea! It‘s scary, (sarcastic) (p. 49, 121)
O di mma: It‘s fine, ok or good (p. 157)
O gini: "What is it?" (p. 149, 122, 247)
O ginidi: "What is it really?" (p. 170)
O joka: “It is very bad" (p. 95)
O maka: "It is so beautiful" (p. 128)
“O me mma, Chineke, o me mma”: The good doer, Chineke (God), the good doer... (p. 39)
O nkem: "it's mine" (p. 209)
Obi (m): Igbo name for the heart/soul as well as the dwelling of the head of the household in an Igbo family's compound in Nigeria (p. 285)
Obinna (m): "the heart of the father" (p. 285)
Obiora (m): "Heart of the people or community" (p. 78)
Obugodi: "even if it is" (p. 138)
Oburia?: "is it not so?" (p. 222)
Ochiri: An Ochiri approximates an Egret--a member of the Heron family of birds
Ofe nsala: White pepper soup; Ofe means soup while nsala means colorless and pepper-ish (p. 15, 152)
Oga: Pidgin English for sir, master, or boss. Oga: Person in charge. Also Oga pata-pata (p. 199)
Ogbete market: A famous daily market in the city of Enugu (p. 295)
Ogbuefi Olioke (m): Ogbuefi (first name) = "slaughterer of bulls, Olioke (last name) = "rat eater" [what a paradox!] (p. 66)
Ogbunambala: "He that kills in public." No secrecy or privacy. He loves to publicly disgrace or shame another (p. 60)
Ogige market: sheltered market as opposed to open air market Ogwi Road: Well-known road in Enugu City Ogwu: Medicine, talisman, charm, voodoo, fetish (p. 21-21)
Okada: Motorcycle taxi (p. 128)
Okon: Níger Delta Efik-Ibibio names. Okon = male child born at night—a very common name
Okpa: Dried flour of a (grampea) is used for a popular pudding—Okpa eaten and enjoyed by many (p. 127)
Okporoko: Imported dried Norwegian stock fish
Okwia?: "Isn't it?"
Oladipupo: Youruba name meaning, "my wealth is multiplied or my riches have abundantly increased"
Omelora: "The one who does for the community." Title name of Kambili's Papa
Onugbu soup: A favorite Igbo soup made with Onugbu—a bitter green leaf vegetable
Onye zi?: “Who could it be?”, "who is it?" "Who might it be?" (p. 230)
Onyeka: short for Onyekachi “who is greater than Chi (God)." Onyeka is a female Igbo musician popular in the Nigerian music scene (p. 151)
Orah leaves: Local leafy vegetable used in making the delicious Orah soup (p. 169)
Osadebe: Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe, the preeminent traditional Igbo musician
Oye Abagana: Oye/Orie market of Abagana town. Oye is the second day of the Igbo four-day market week. (p. 60)
Oyinbo land: White-man's land, English/American land, Caucasians, etc. (p. 244)
Ozu: Corpse, dead body (p. 184)
Ozugo: "It's enough" (p. 190)
Palm oil: Red oil expressed from palm fruit, used in cooking and frying
Palm wine: Palm Wine (pamie) is an alcoholic beverage created from the sap of various species of palm trees.
Papa-Nnukwu: Grandpa, Grandfather. Nnukwu means "big, grand"
Peak Milk: Peak Milk is the premium canned creamy milk produced in Holland
Peugeot 404, 504: The national car of Nigeria. The Peugeot 504 is a large family car manufactured in Europe by French automaker Peugeot between 1968 and 1983, with production continuing until 2005 in Nigeria and Kenya. The predecessor to the 504, the Peugeot 404 was a mid-sized automobile produced by Peugeot from 1960 to 1978, The 504 is considered to be among the World's Top Ten Motorcars of all time.
Professor Okafor (m): male born on Afo market day, the third day of the Igbo four-day market week. (p. 243)
Ribena: A brand of fruit based un-carbonated soft drink and fruit drink concentrate produced by GlaxoSmithKline. The original and most common variety contains real blackcurrant juice. (p. 243)
Seme Boarder: The Notoriously dangerous border between Nigeria and Benin Republic. For most people in Nigeria, traveling to Cotonou, Benin Republic means smuggling contraband goods, bringing in used vehicles of more than ten years old, or as an emergency getaway for wanted coup plotters, human rights activists and corrupt politicians on the run.
Sha!: Pidgin English for "excuse me" or " please" (sarcasm) (p. 141)
Sisi: Si si: Young and trendy girl
Tufia!: "God forbid!" a curse or oath emphasizing indignation and to "forbid" [sometimes Tufiakwa!]
Ube: Fig-shaped fruit in the avocado family. A favorite accompaniment with roasted corn (p. 137)
Uchu gba gi: A course "may you be accursed!" (p. 189)
Udala fruit: A sweet and sometimes sour fruit. With a mythic reputation among Igbos, it is known by some as the 'bush mango' (p. 209)
Ugba porridge: Penthaclettara macrophylla. Ugba, a fermented product from African oil bean seed
Ugochukwu (m/f): God's Eagle (p. 219)
Ugu Leaf: The most eaten green-leafy vegetable in Nigeria; Produces a fluted gourd on a perennial pumpkin vine. Used in making various soups and dishes (p. 264)
Ugwu Agidi: Agidi Hill—Agidi is a hard un-crackable seed of a strong vine (p. 226)
Ukwa Tree: Ukwa is an African variety of the breadfruit tree whose seeds, fruit, and leaves are used for food. The fruits are large weighing between 3 pounds and 30 pounds (p. 84)
Umuada: A wide group or gathering of a community's daughters; the female kinsfolk (p. 198)
Umum: "My children" (p. 34, 190)
Umunna: An extended group of paternal kinsmen (the masculine form of Umuada)
Umunne: Maternal kinfolk, mother's maiden home/village. Also see Ikwu nne
University of Nigeria– Nsukka: Located in Nsukka town of Enugu State of Nigeria; It was founded by Dr. Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe, the first president of Nigeria. It is the first indigenous university in Nigeria.
Unoma (f): Good/beautiful house (p. 285)
Unu: You (Plural)
Utazi: A bitter leafy vegetable with healing and medicinal properties used in making a variety of soups.
Yewande Coker: Yewande, is a Yoruba name meaning "mother has come back or returned." This usually means a female child was born after an elderly woman in the family recently passed away.
Yeye woman: Yeye is Pidgin English meaning "crazy", Useless, Worthless (p. 231)
Act of Contrition: A private devotional prayer as part of a daily examination of conscious
Advent Sunday: The 4th Sunday before Christmas day, it marks the first day of Advent—the season when preparations are made for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Articles of Vatican I, II: Vatican I: refers to the ecumenical council of the Roman Cahtolic Church who met in 1870 to adopt the first dogmatic constitution on the catholic faith Vatican II: The second ecumenical council of the Church convened in 1962 and ended in 1965.
Ash Wednesday: The first day of Lent, 46 days (not counting Sunday's) before Easter. Lent is a period of fasting and prayer in preparation for Easter.
Ave Maria: A.k.a. Hail Mary: a traditional Roman Catholic prayer or song upholding the sacredness of Mary mother of Jesus.
Baptism: A ritual of using water to admit someone as a full member of the Catholic Church
Benediction: A short invocation for divine help, blessing or guidance, usually at the end of worship service
Blessed Sacrament: Refers to the Host and wine after they have been consecrated in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion
Catechism/Catechist: Catechist: Someone who engages in instruction of Catholic doctrine, typically a lay minister. Catechism of the Catholic Church is a manual of doctrine in the form of Q&A.
Catholic chaplaincy: A chaplain is typically a priest or pastor serving a group of people who are not organized as a mission or church, or who are unable to attend church for various reasons; such as health, confinement, or military or civil duties.
Catholic Church: The Roman Catholic Church, officially known as the Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian church, representing over half of all Christians and one-sixth of the world's population.
Catholic hymnal: A religious song, hymn
Chalice: A holy cup or vase
Communion: That part of the Eucharistic rite in which the consecrated bread and wine are distributed to participants.
Communion waffles & wine: The bread and wine used in a Eucharist rite.
Confession: When individuals confess their sins before a priest and are absolved
Confirmation: A rite of initiation bestowing full membership of the church
Crucifix: A cross with the representation of Jesus Christ on it 12
Easter/Easter Sunday: The most important Catholic holiday marking when Jesus resurrected three days after his crucifixion on the cross.
Feast of the Epiphany: A Christian feast day which celebrates the revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus Christ.
First Holy Communion: A Roman Catholic ceremony for the first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Good Friday: The Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Golgotha.
Holy books: Sacred scripture important to the religion
Holy water: Water that has been blessed and set aside for baptism
Knights of St. John: The Knights of Saint John are those members who commit to undertaking a pilgrimage to the Cathedral or Co-Cathedral of a diocese to pray for the Holy Father, the Bishop of the diocese and his intentions, the auxiliary bishops, priests and all who assist the Bishop in shepherding the faithful of the diocese.
Knights of St. Mulumba: The Knights of Saint Mulumba were founded in Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria in 1953. Currently, there are 7,689 members. The Supreme Knight of the order is Chief Dr. Fidelis R. C. Ezemenari.
Mass: On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass.
Mass for the repose of the soul: A prayer for the departed that his soul may be forgiven of his sins in the eyes of God.
Mass vestments: Vestments are liturgical garments and articles associated primarily with the Christian religions, especially the Latin Rite and other Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Methodists, and Lutheran Churches.
Missal: A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of a Catholic Mass throughout the year.
Novenas: In the Catholic Church, a novena is a devotion consisting of prayer said (most typically) on nine successive days, asking to obtain special graces. These may consist of small prayer books, recitation of the Rosary, or small prayers through the day.
Offertory: The alms of a congregation collected in church, or at any religious service.
Our Father/ the Lord's Prayer: The Lord's Prayer, also known as the Our Father or Pater Noster, is probably the best-known prayer in Christianity
Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast, or holy day which always falls on the Sunday before Easter.
Pentecost Sunday: Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means "fiftieth day". It is celebrated on the Sunday 50 days after Easter.
Peter's pence: An ancient payment made more or less voluntarily to Rome, begun under the Saxons in England and also seen in other countries.
Psalm: A book of the Hebrew bible
Purgatory: Purgatory is the condition or process of purification or temporary punishment in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven.
Reverend Father: A title and form of address of Catholic Priests as reverend in God. Ex. Father Amadi
Reverend Sisters: Catholic women ministers, who sustain the church immensely except they do not officiate or conduct Masses
Rosary: The Rosary (from Latin rosarium, meaning "rose garden"[1] or "garland of roses"[2]) is a popular traditional Roman Catholic devotion. The term denotes both a set of prayer beads and the devotional prayer itself, which combines vocal (or silent) prayer and meditation.
Sacristy: A sacristy is a room for keeping vestments (such as the alb and chasuble) and other church furnishings, sacred vessels, and parish records.
Soutane: A cassock, or Priest's robe
St. Agnes: Agnes of Rome (c. 291 – c.304) is a virgin-martyr, venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, the Anglican Communion, and in Eastern Orthodoxy.
St. Gregory: Gregory I (Latin: Gregorius I (Magnus); c. 540 – 12 March 604), better known in English as Gregory the Great, was Pope from 3 September 590 until his death.
St. Nicholas: Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Bishop of Myra (in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey). Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose English name comes from the German Sankt Niklaus.
St. Vincent de Paul: Vincent de Paul (24 April 1581 – 27 September 1660) was a Catholic priest dedicated to serving the poor, who is venerated as a saint.
The Apostle's Creed: Sometimes titled Symbol of the Apostles, is an early statement of Christian belief, a creed or "symbol"
The Hail Mary: The Hail Mary or Ave Maria (Latin) is a traditional Catholic prayer asking for the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The plea to St. Jude: A special Catholic prayer directed to Saint Jude who was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus
Vatican: The Vatican City is a city-state that came into existence in 1929 and is thus clearly distinct from the central authority of the Roman Catholic Church, known as the Holy See, which existed long before 1929. Vatican City is an ecclesiastical [5] or sacerdotal-monarchical [6] state, ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope. The highest state functionaries are all clergymen of the Catholic Church. It is the sovereign territory of the Holy See (Sancta Sedes) and the location of the Pope's residence, referred to as the Apostolic Palace.
Virgin Mary/Blessed Virgin: Mary mother of Jesus of Nazareth—usually referred to by Christians as Saint Mary, the Virgin Mary, Holy Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Madonna, was a Jewish woman of Nazareth in Galilee, described in the New Testament as a virgin who conceived her son miraculously by the agency of the Holy Spirit.
"...We wan people who dey wear clean underwear, no be so? Abi the Head of state dey wear common underwear, sef, talkless of clean one? No!" (p. 229)
Translation: "…We want people who wear clean underwear, is it not so? Is it not so, does the Head of state wear even common underwear, not to talk of clean ones? No!
"...How you go just come enter like dis? Wetin be dis?" (p. 231)
Translation: "How could you just enter like this [in this way]? What is this?" (i.e. to barge in)