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Remote Learning Tech Tools: Google Classroom
Google Classroom
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Google Classroom
Google Classroom from Erin Davies
Erin Davis, tech integrator at SPHS, outlines some helpful troubleshooting tips for using Google Classroom.
Google Classroom from Steve Koelker
Steve Koelker, tech integrator at Mahoney, has some troubleshooting tips on his website.
Google Classroom: Find the Google Drive Folder
Overview of how to find your Google Classroom folder in Drive.
Google Classroom App Keeps Closing (Crashing)
Steps to take when Classroom keeps crashing, from Sarah Glatz.
Turn on Meet Link in your Google Classroom
Steps for turning on a Google Meets link in Classroom from Sarah Glatz, tech integrator at Memorial.
Tips for Grading
Tech tips for grading with Google Classroom from Sarah Glatz.
Google Classroom Tutorials
A collection of screencast tutorials on Google Classroom from Steve Koelker, including sharing calendar, creating assignments, grading and returning from outside apps, editing class banner and name, and more.
How to Schedule Sending an Email in Gmail
Article on how to schedule an email in Gmail from How To Geek.
SPSD Google Classroom SetUp Guide
Google Classroom guide created by the Summer Workflow Group for Fall 2020. Written by 5th grade teachers and technology integrators.
Google Classroom Organization Tips
Finding Student Assignments in Drive
Controlling Google Classroom Notifications
How to schedule assignments in Google Classroom
The Basics of Creating a Quiz in Google Forms
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