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Resources for parents and teachers related to the books read in classes.

Class Books

At Mahoney, students read in a variety of formats, genres, and contexts. Students are given time each day to read independently. They may also read a book as a whole-class or with smaller groups within a class. Use this tabs to explore by grade and learn more about books that may be used in classes at each grade level. Please note that not all students will read all of the books as teachers have discretion to choose class and group books.

SPSD Essential Learning Targets

South Portland School Department has synthesized a set of broad Graduation Standards that capture the intent of the Maine standards known as the Maine Learning Results. In order to meet these graduation standards, SPSD has adopted a set of concise statements about the knowledge and skills that are the minimum and most essential learning for all students to be successful after high school. These targets are referred to as the Essential Learning Targets (ELTs). Books are chosen to support growth across these ELTs.

Why Reading Matters to Kids
