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Comics & Graphic Novels: Comics In Depth


comics: "Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer," Scott McCloud in Understanding Comics, 1993.


sequential art: "A literary medium that narrates by arrangement of images and text in an intelligible sequence," Will Eisner in Comics and Sequential Art, 1985.


comic strip: Comics that appear daily in newspapers, usually three or four panels each; larger colorful versions appear in Sunday editions. (GarfieldCalvin and Hobbes)


comic book: Monthly paper issues of about 22 to 32 pages, often republished in collected volumes. (Ms. MarvelLumberjanes)


graphic novel: Longer form stories told in comic format, either as stand-alone books or series. (DramaAmulet)

Scott McCloud: Understanding Comics

What Even Are COMICS?


panel: One segment of the story or action; the individual box or frame.


gutter: The space between panels.


tier: One row of panels.


splash page: One page that consists entirely of one illustration.


spread: An image that spreads across multiple pages (a two-page spread is most common).


speech balloon: Contains a characters spoken dialogue with a pointer or tail to indicate the speaker.


thought bubble: Shows a character's unvoiced thoughts in a cloud shape, using bubbles as an indicator.


caption: A rectangular box which provides a narration, sometimes used for dialog when the character speaking is not pictured in the panel.


sound effects: Or onomatopoeia are words that mimic sound like "Pow!" or "Buzz."