'I have with the reg't been through a terrible battle'Major Francis E. Pierce, who took part in the Union's suicidal attack on Fredericksburg's Marye's Heights 150 years ago, wrote a vivid account of his experience in a letter to a friend.
Billings, Elden E. “‘I Have with the Reg’t Been through a Terrible Battle’: Major Francis E. Pierce, Who Took Part in the Union’s Suicidal Attack on Fredericksburg’s Marye’s Heights 150 Years Ago, Wrote a Vivid Account of His Experience in a Letter to a Friend.(Civil War Times 50: 1962-2012: From the December 1962 Issue of Civil War Times Illustrated).” Civil War Times, no. 6, 2012, p. 56. EBSCOhost, http://libraries.maine.edu/mainedatabases/authmaine.asp?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=cookie,ip,uid&db=edsric&AN=edsric.A305193160&site=eds-live.